How To Get the Guy Podcast



WITH Matthew Hussey


In each episode of the LOVE Life podcast, you’ll get practical tips you can use right away to improve all of your relationships – romantic, family, friends, career and, most importantly, the relationship you have with yourself. See why this 5-star, top podcast gets over 500,000 downloads a month.

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See All Our Podcast Episodes Below

Can You “Have it All?”

Is it really possible to “have it all?” And if so, what does it take to get “it” so we can finally be happy? Everyone – from your best friend to your work colleague to the latest self-help “guru” – seems to have a different opinion on the matter. Well, in today’s LOVE Life, I argue that we’re actually all asking the wrong question. I’ll explain how to identify exactly what you DO want and why happiness (and balance) is a lot easier to achieve than you may think.

The Cutest Way EVER to Get His Attention

It’s kind of ridiculous, when you think about it, just how much time and energy we waste stressing over how to make the perfect first move. What would happen if we just dropped the pretense and showed a little interest, for God’s sake? In today’s episode, I’m taking you back to basics with the simplest – and CUTEST – flirtation that will immediately get a guy’s attention. It’s brilliant because it puts the power in your hands to make the first move, but it’s so irresistible that, suddenly, he’ll be the one chasing you. 

Who Will YOU Be Kissing at Midnight? (+ A Special GIFT!)

If you dream of kissing someone special at midnight this New Year’s Eve, but you don’t have anyone in your life right now, it’s actually not too late. I’ve got a challenge for you… well, it’s going to require you to get out of your PJs and away from that cozy fireplace but I promise you it’s worth it because… it’s going to get you meeting all kinds of exciting new men. Who knows, one of them might just be Mr. Right of 2017! To help you make this happen, I’ve got a special free gift just for you, but

3 (Risk-Free) Flirting Tips for Your Office Christmas Party

You’ve had your eye on Jeff from accounting all year, but you’ve never had the guts to let him know. Now your office Christmas party is here. You’re all dressed up, the cocktails are flowing and, suddenly, anything is possible. You’re feeling flirty, but you don’t want to say the wrong thing or you risk work being very awkward on Monday morning. Look, there’s Jeff right now! What do you say? Well you’re in luck… In this episode of LOVE Life I’m giving you 3 original, adorable, and completely risk-free flirting tips that will break the ice and transform you

How to Invite Him Over for the Holidays (Without Freaking Him Out)

The holidays can be a magical time of new romance and quality time spent with family… But attempting to combine the two? Now that can get stressful. So is there a way to invite the guy you’re dating over to your house for an eggnog without making things seem too serious and freaking him out? Actually, yes. It’s quite simple, and in this episode I’ll give you a word-for-word script you can use that takes all the pressure off and makes him want to meet you under the mistletoe…even if it means meeting your mom, too.

Be a Great Gift Giver: Your Secret Action Plan

“How thoughtful of you! I love it!” There’s nothing better than hearing those words when you hand a present to someone you care about. But what makes someone a thoughtful gift giver? It’s not an innate quality; it’s a skill that can be learned. In today’s episode, I’m going to share my secret action plan to help you gather clues about the memorable (not expensive) things that will delight your loved ones. Listen up and you’ll be ready – at the holidays, and year-round – to gift them something great.

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By Prismatic Butterfly

Matt and Stephen: how can I capture your awesomeness in words?! Impossible. The Brothers Hussey are a potent combination of heartfelt advice, creative communication strategies, and raw, personal humanity. I have found that a diet of this podcast and Matt’s videos has truly sustained my mental and emotional health. I find you guys super smart, but moreover, your compassion for all people is such an obvious motivation for what you do. Your ideas and perspectives have literally changed my life. Merci Beaucoup and keep up the sensational work!


By TaraTamarisk

These podcasts are really accessible, but packed with Matt’s life-altering advice which really WORKS. I’ve spent my life reading self-help books with little or no success. Matt’s advice is brilliantly practical and not at all overwhelming. Whether you are single, in a relationship, or just want to improve yourself and your life, do yourself a favor and subscribe to Love Life. If you follow his tips, you will wake up one day amazed at how much your life has changed without you even realising it.


By Amy WF Texas

I’m feeling so thankful for every single podcast. I’m divorced after 15 years and it is so difficult to date and understand men. I have realized that I myself need work. I am striving to accomplish just that! One way is being devoted to your podcasts. Morning, lunch, evenings, before sleep. I have become confident and have been able to let go of the “situationships” that come passing by. The icing on the cake is both of your accents. Thank you for the brilliant advice!