Follow Matthew at @thematthewhussey
Follow Stephen at @stephenhhussey
90% of people are making a mistake in the way they connect with other people without even realizing it.
See, ever since I was 13 and first picked up my Dad’s copy of the Dale Carnegie’s How To Win Friends And Influence People, I was fascinated with figuring what it is that allows certain people able to influence, attract, and be charismatic in the presence of others.
Over years of being on TV and radio, running a company with over 30 full-time staff, and speaking to audiences of thousands of people, I’ve learned some really important distinctions that make people certain people immediately compelling. I’ve also learned some major things people get wrong that must be avoided at all costs if you ever want to win people over… (more on that in the video) So here it is, my #1 secret to getting people hooked in the first 60 seconds…
►► FREE download: “9 Texts to Get Any Man” →
►► FREE download: “5 Compliments to Get Him Addicted to You” →