If This Is True Of LA Women, I’m In A Lot Of Trouble! (NSFW)

Here’s a fun video going into the weekend.

I’ve been in LA for around 6 months now. In that time I’ve definiely come across some of these stereotypes…

Hope you’re having an amazing day.


UPDATE: On Sunday the US GetTheGuy Tour locations will be revealed. We’ve booked 9 locations (on top of LA tomorrow) through April & May. So exciting! Cannot wait to tell you guys.

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43 Replies to “If This Is True Of LA Women, I’m In A Lot Of Trouble! (NSFW)”

  • Hi Matthew, thanks for lightening things up after your impassioned tirade on valentine’s. I enjoyed it, gotta love a guy with some fire in the belly!
    Well, I’d say if LA’s not working out definitely try NY, Miami or SF – when in Rome, explore all of Rome :) Video is hilarious, even if a bit over the top on stereotypes.
    Would love to hear your thoughts on how women on the other end of the spectrum can get their ideal guy without intimidating him – a woman who is confident, capable yet typically has a hard time letting a guy take care of her. A bit too independent, perhaps…
    Cheers, A

  • This is my first time leaving a comment. I lived in LA for several years. In general, I found people in LA to be materialistic. But there were also people who had depth and character. Although many of us stereotype women in LA to like men who have status and are good looking, I think it’s true for all of us women, wherever we are.

  • Well, I laughed but men can’t blame women for being materialistic if they are focusing on the drop dead gorgeous ones.

  • Hey Matt!
    First time commenter here! Love the video! I’ve never been to LA but the video was hilarious. I hope you aren’t one of those guys who’s having trouble with LA women, but if you are…come to Chicago!!! Haha just saying. Chicago’s the third largest city in the US and right in between LA and NYC; quite convenient haha come visit us Chi-towns women haha ( I feel like a spokes person for my city haha)
    Best of luck

  • Ha, Matthew, this is a light-hearty-surprise. I even look up on who DJ Lubel is. Surely, he exaggerates it. He won’t have so many beautiful women working for his video if he’s so unpopular. Ha

    By the way, how could you be so good at encouraging and at the same time also showing compassion? Please show us a clue; it’d highly enhance our ability to get the guy.

  • There’s no denying that women like that exist, but you can’t generalize it. My sister and I don’t identify ourselves at all with these L.A. stereotypes; we’ve lived here almost our entire lives. There are a quality of men who are equally as at fault as the women depicted in this video. They are only looking for these cookie cutter ideals that social media suggests they should want. And like the men in this video, they only focus on getting laid. It leaves very little room or hope for those who are truly sincere and of a genuine quality.

  • It is posted as a joke but I feel it is really true in America and also in London. But here in London, girls are more down to earth and not that much materialistic, but they have reputation as easy to be picked up at pubs and bars, guys are the same. I hear many stories. Good and bad?

    There are many English men just messing around and are “Gold Diggers” to settle with richer women. Can someone mention that and make a video about them seriously to raise awareness among women?

    Such a promiscuous country here, and your seminar and books are a huge help to understand, especially non committed English / British players.

    1. I live in Los Angeles as a law student. I grew up here as well. I think it’s ridiculous that people think that Los Angeles is somehow more materialistic than other parts of the world. Sure, there are a lot of movie star and producer types here, but the vast majority of people here are just regular people living regular lives. It is neither as glamorous or as terrible as it is depicted on tv. Not all the women are young and beautiful and dressed in head to toe designer clothing. In fact, Los Angeles is known for having a more laid back style in general (Hollister was based upon Los Angeles style: casual, comfortable). What this city is most outstanding for is its diversity of lifestyles, incomes, ethnicities, religions etc. Anyone who doesn’t realize that has not been here long.
      Of course there are plenty of shallow people, but there are plenty of shallow people all over the world.
      And ironically enough, “deep” people tend not to stereotype others for any reason, even geographical. I can appreciate this video for its humor, but that’s all it is: a joke. Anyone who takes it seriously needs a reality check.

  • I live in LA and I will say that this is true of some women, but definitely not all.

    I did laugh a bit at the stereotyping, however what really bothers me about the video is the underlying assumption that if a guy is nice it means he deserves sex from a woman. A man should be willing to be friendly without expectations to be ‘compensated’ for his ‘efforts.’

  • This is my first time leaving a comment! I live in Europe and I’ve never been in LA, so I’ve no clue about their personality. Even though it’s a funny video, and offcours it can be taken to serious.

    My best wishes for you Matt!

    P.S: stay british! xD

  • this is the funiest video i’ve watched in a long time. totally cracked me up! woah!!! surely, it got my hands typing a comment here. Matt, made my day. From Africa.

  • HahahaaA. I thought I never needed to hear another version of Seasons of Love, but this one kicked ass! Way to co-opt an anthem from one city to dis another.

  • I guess this could go for the men of L A as well. Let this be a lesson to you…since your new and all…:) I’ll keep it in mind as well…

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