I know you have an excuse that’s stopping you from getting what you want.
I know because for the last 7 years I’ve had women just like you coming to me with all manner of excuses for why they’ve not gotten their guy.
Maybe it’s your age, how you look, lack of time…
Whatever it is that’s holding you back, it needs to be gotten over, and I want to show you exactly how to do that…
What’s your excuse?
-Is it true? Are you using it too much? Have you decided it’s going to make you weaker or stronger? (as you can choose either path)
Write it down, analyse it, and realise you have the power to turn it into something that can actually be a gift.
I loved this – and your poem! And why do you have a desk in front of your door? :)
I loved your 2007 poem :)
I just wanted to say thank you for doing the ice bucket challenge. My daddy was just recently diagnosed with als. He already can not speak and or swallow is getting to weak to accomplish some of the simple taka you and I take for granted. We appreciate the abundance of support we have seen to raise awareness and funding for this horrible disease. I have done it twice now and just got nominated again for the third time which I gladly accept and I will keep doing it all year long ifitmeans finding a cure some day. Thank you again for the challenge and for also all the wonderful advice.
…It is obvious
You are very bright
And able to connect dots to points
That no one else can see.
“Bolls are attractive”.. no doubt
Ever considered being a rapper?
Awesome rant and lovin’ the poem! Sometimes I think you are part woman as you were spot on…or do men do the same thing? Hmmm…something to ponder.
You’re correct on all points. It’s also your state of mind…I think we magnetize like people into our circle. So if the men you are meeting don’t stack up to who you would like, then I’d look at yourself and see inside of how you feel and what you think you deserve. Change that, change the circle. I am proof this is true…and believe why we need to consider recreating, believing and appreciating ourselves. If we like and love ourselves…others of like mind will be drawn to us.
Just sayin’….
Great ice bucket and thanks for sharing the spot for a great cause!! :)
Bravo ,you said it all in your poem ,You’re such a treasure for me …I’m lucky to have you in my life …coach Mathew thanks a lot
LAHUVE the poem. My “rider” is full aware of my excuses. Now gotta ingage my
Thanks as always, your the best!
I loved the poem!
Never ruin an apology with an excuse.
Life is tough, we all have tough situations, in one way or another.
But dear god live anyway! Live every second you fucking can!!!!!!
I’ll be honest and say YES I have made excuses for why I can’t seem to find some”one” and why I’m still single, and so I decided that enough was enough. So I went on a dating site, let my friends set me up, even went to those places I knew “Men” would be at… After 15 dates in 8 months (perhaps it’s not a lot, then again it could be to much.)
I have come to the realization that men for the most part are emotionally unavailable sex crazed idiots.
The majority of the dates I went on consisted of them at some part of the conversation wanting to know my favorite “position”, talking about their ex’s and how they are messed up now from that b@#ch, having had one to many drinks and stinking of it profusely before I even showed up…I could go on and on, however I won’t.
The truth is this. I like me, I really like me!!! I am my own best friend, I like my age I like my weight there are somethings I do not like, but none that would stop me from going out on a date or meeting some”one”.
I just don’t care Matt. I really don’t care anymore if I meet anyone.
BTW. Your poem was good and I really liked the ice water being dumped on you!!! I could tell just how cold that water was just by your reaction.
Totallt agree with you….. she in men doesn’t matter.25 or 50 still looking for one thing…just sex.they don’t respect women. It’s not the same like it used to be. Men don’t date, no courtship. Just SEX .
Love the poem, you are straight on about all the excuses we can come up with. Eleanor Roosevelt said: ” you must do the thing you think you cannot do”
You were a great sport with the ice bucket challenge.
Ok Matt I really do need ur help there is this guy I love for more than 3 years and can’t tell him due to our culture religion that’s against dating but u know there u is rlations that are serious and I know that there are a lot aid girls that want having him they even start flirting wid him not like me jst staring at his pix so I don’t want to loose him tell me something’s to do I rly need help :( I know I have explained the situation in a very complex way but that was what in my mind and sry for bad English not my mother language !
I have my excuse
I am too fat and ugly
I need to break free.
I answered your poem with a haiku.
Really I don’t know how to turn fat into a good thing.
And it’s not just fatness it’s a whole eating disorder. Which of course very few people know of. And I don’t tell guys when I date them not even when I’m in a relationship. Because I need to feel love and support to open up and that hasn’t happened.
So well… Yeah tell me how. And no I’m not imagining being fat I am.
You may be fat and ugly, but the real problem is low self-esteem. I know because that is how I spent my first 57 years. I am also over weight (fat has such a negative connotation). Try to start talking to yourself more gently. Re-frame how you speak, even if it is going from “I’m fat” to “I’m over-weight”.
Mathew is right about this… if I find myself attractive, so will (some, not all) men. I have seen it within the last few months. I am about to turn 58 and I am having more fun with men than I ever have before. Good luck my dear, hang in there! You are worthy! We ALL are!
love the poem x
2 things:
1) A girlfriend of mine was lamenting how a guy had stopped texting her. I told her about your texting advice re being somewhere and asking the guy to join you. It worked like a charm. He showed up, they talked for 2 hours. And talking about excuses, she is 62 and on chemotherapy!
2) Please post the poem. It was fabulous and works not only for dating but most other situations too. Love all your work. Surely the best relationship coach I have ever read and believe me, I have read a lot of them. Thanks for all you do.
That’s great and all Matthew, but I have analyzed my excuse over my mental illness getting in the way of living life, let alone dating. How am I supposed to view it as a gift and be stronger about it when I have been reinforced externally (workforce, family, dates) that I’m not?
I love this! It what I need to hear and the slap in the face I need. I love the poem, always thank you for the help and I can’t wait to learn more to getting the guy.
nice! :)
Good stuff. And I see the British wave ‘do has been replaced with California surfer spikes.