It’s Finally Here

“Matthew is a genius whose magic needs to be shared with the world. This book is a necessary tool for anyone looking for love.”

– Eva Longoria, Television & Film Actress

Front Cover
Back Cover


This is the big launch for the book. There’s nothing else that I have up my sleeve that’s coming later on. This is me putting everything I have on the line, and your chance to get involved with more than I have ever been able to offer before at GetTheGuy.
I have endeavored to make every prize package of sensational value, and I cannot wait for you to get your hands on these bonuses.
– If you have already pre-ordered the book(s), these orders DO COUNT towards the total that you submit. There is an option for uploading multiple receipts which you can use to confirm your prizes.
The deadline for submitting orders is 11.59pm, Saturday Feb. 2nd, 2013 (GMT). Pages to make your application will stop working at this time, so be sure to confirm your prizes and submit your receipts by then.
– Orders must be made to a UK-based address. If you are not ordering to a UK address, fear not, you will be eligible for our international offer at the time of our US release (HarperCollins) in early April.
– All prize packages are limited and strictly first come, first served.

The Kickstarter Package

Have you got two friends who are in serious need of this book? Get rewarded for passing it on to them, much like dropping the white handkerchief to pique a guy’s interest (you’ll learn all about this in Chapter 6).


Buy 3 books (£33) and get the following (£133 value) — Limited to first 500 people.

  • Anti-Valentines Webinar! (two-hour call, a chance to ask me anything) (£70 value)
  • Access to The Man Myth (understand men forever) (£19 value)
  • Month one access to Fast Track To Mr Right (my world-renowned monthly training programme) (£44 value)

Total value: £133 (cost of 3 books – £33)

This offer is strictly limited to the first 500 signups.

I love this package because you can give the book as a gift to two of your closest friends. You can tell them about the webinar too and get them involved ahead of Valentines.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday February 12th, 8pm UK time. You will receive a link to register, as well as immediate access to both The Man Myth & month one of Fast Track To Mr Right once we have been able to verify your receipt(s).

Paperback orders are what we’re ideally after, HOWEVER if you have pre-ordered the book on Kindle (before 31/1/13), thank you! We will of course honour that, and so please include this with a separate receipt along with your additional two paperback copies. For those of you now placing orders, only physical copies are eligible for prize packages.

Order through Amazon, forward your receipt(s) to, and we will get your bonuses over to you as soon as we can.

Additional Terms:

In order to get access to The Man Myth and Fast Track To Mr Right programmes
you will have to pay $1 to enroll and get your account verified – this fee will be refunded
straight back to you within 24 hours of signing up.

The Fast Track Package

Do you have a group of friends that you really care about, or someone that you’d love to get a special surprise message to? If so, I want to do a personalised video shout-out just for you!


Buy 25 print books (£260) and get the following (£453 value) — Limited to first 50 people.

  • An exclusive shout out video from me, whatever you want me to say (within reason!) (Priceless!!)
  • Full 6-month access to Fast Track To Mr Right (my online bible for all things attraction & dating) (£220 value)
  • A private 1:1 coaching session with a GetTheGuy trainer (£100 value)
  • Everything included in the 3 book package (£133 value)

Total value: £453 (cost on books – £260)

This offer is strictly limited to the first 50 signups.

Get involved and pass the book on to all of your friends, family and colleagues!

The shout-out video can be on anything you want; it can be for you personally, for a friend, or for an organisation of your choosing. I will have the video uploaded onto it’s own page at so that it’s easy to find, pass around, and link to. As soon as you’ve signed up and registered your books, my team will be in touch via email to get the message for the video you want and help you craft it.

Early next week the team will contact you to book your private coaching session in with one of our trainers. This will take place over the phone or Skype if a face-to-face appointment is not possible to set up.

Paperback orders are what we’re ideally after, HOWEVER if you have pre-ordered the book on Kindle (before 31/1/13), thank you! We will of course honour that, and so please include this with a separate receipt along with your additional paperback copies. For those of you now placing orders who haven’t pre-ordered, only physical copies are eligible for prize packages.

Order through Amazon, forward your receipt(s) to, and we will get your bonuses over to you as soon as we can.

Additional Terms:

I will try to make the video exactly how you want, however reserve the right to withhold from anything too crazy if such a request is made!

The GetTheGuy Mastery Package

Develop the ultimate GetTheGuy Mastermind group by bringing all of your closest friends to experience a live Women’s Weekend, as well as a private dinner with my expert team of trainers.


Buy 250 print books (£2,600) and get the following (£5,700 value + 2 Priceless
experiences!!) — Limited to first 10 people.

  • Private 1:1 coaching session with yours truly (to work on whatever you want) (Priceless!)
  • GetTheGuy Women’s Weekend group experience (for you and 4 friends) (£2,750 value)
  • Private dinner with my expert team & 2 hours of personalised group coaching (Priceless)
  • (*Not mentioned in video) Annual pass to all UK Women’s Weekends (£2,500 value)
  • Everything included in both the 3 & 25 book prize packages (£453 value)

Total value: £5,700 (& 2 experiences money can’t buy!) (cost of books – £2,600)

This offer is strictly limited to the first 10 signups.

This is only going to be available to a handful of people who want to do something TRULY
incredible for themselves, and for the people they care about.

I’m far from naive as to how much 250 books costs. If you can’t do this you’re more than
welcome to get what you can from the webinar and other packages. If you want in, this is
an incredible set of bonuses and I cannot wait to speak with those of you who sign up to

We will be running six UK Women’s Weekends over the next twelve months. With this
package you can come to as many events as you like to stay motivated year-round, and to
master everything we teach at GetTheGuy.

I’ve worked incredibly hard on this book over the last 18 months and with all that I’ve
packed into it, the last thing I want is to see books sitting around in warehouses. By
offering this package I want to get the book into the hands of as many women who will
benefit from it as possible.

In signing up my team will contact you to find a time that works for us to have our
private coaching session together. This will take place over the phone if a face-to-face
appointment is not possible to set up.

Interested in this package? Great! But… DON’T order it through Amazon (or any other
retailer). Please fill out your details below and a member of my team will contact you right
away to take your order.

Additional Terms:

Travel and accommodation are not included in the group package for the Women’s
Weekend. Live event tickets must be used within 12 months from the date of signing up.

The private 1:1 session with me will take place within the next 12 weeks – the time for
which is to be agreed on between us.

The Ultimate High-Value Experience

Live the life of the ultimate high-value woman. Get a makeover from MTV’s Louise Roe, transform your confidence on my 5-day Retreat, and join me on the trip of a lifetime in Los Angeles.


Buy 1,000 print books (£10,400) and get the following (£28,000 value!!!) — Limited to 3

  • A return plane ticket to come and meet me in Los Angeles (£1,000 value)
  • 2 hours working with Plain Jane’s Louise Roe on your style and fashion (Priceless!)
  • An appointment with a VIP celebrity hairdresser in Hollywood (£300 value)
  • 2 hours of private coaching with me on your love life and/or business (Priceless!!)
  • Dinner to follow at Eva Longoria’s restaurant Beso in Hollywood
  • A keynote speech from me anywhere in the UK/US (£15,000 value)
  • 2 tickets (for you and a friend) to my 5-day Women’s Retreat (either in Florida or Los
    Angeles) (£6,000 value)
  • Everything included in the 3, 25 & 250 book prize packages (£5,700 value)

Total value: £28,000! (cost of books – £10,400)

Strictly limited to 3 applicants.

This is the big one; the true starlet experience. Here I’ve pulled out ALL the stops.

1,000 – it’s a lot of books, but I guarantee I’m going to make it worth your while.

I will be calling you personally to congratulate you as soon as you sign up, and to prepare you for everything that’s in store.

Interested in this package? Great! But… DON’T order it through Amazon (or any other
retailer). Please fill out your details below and a member of my team will contact you right
away to take your order.

Additional Terms:

The two Retreat tickets are valid for 24 months from Saturday February 2nd 2013.

In order to preserve the intimacy of the dinner, you will be joined only by myself and the
two other applicants for this prize package.

Dates are to be confirmed for the trip to Los Angeles, and these are to be worked out for a time that is convenient for all parties.

The meal at Beso will be covered up to a value of £100.

The date and location of the Keynote will need to be agreed upon in advance.

A business-class return flight will be included for your trip to Los Angeles, however other expenses will not be covered for the trip. Flights, accommodation, nor expenses will be included or covered for the 5-day Retreat programme.

I will work all dates around you to the best of my ability, but reserve the right to ultimately
accept or decline a date.

Even If after reading this you only decide to get one copy, I truly appreciate it. Thank you
for your support, I hope that you have a fantastic time with the book, and let me know what
you think.

If you have any questions at all about the prize packages, please contact the team at and we will get back to you as soon as we can to assist.

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"9 Texts No Man Can Resist"

1 Replies to “It’s Finally Here”

  • Saw you on Katie Couric, downloaded your book and caught Ready for Love this week. Love your perspective and learning a lot. I would love to repost some of your advice and comments on my blogs which deal with dating and safety..
    Haven’t watched videos yet because I am on holiday in Mexico and Internet access sketchy. But looking forward to it when I return to US.

    I have just released an Android APP “Check Out A Date QUESTIONS” to help Singles learn about their wants and needs before they start Dating and during the phases of Dating. Hopefully, Apple Version is approved in May. Many of my clients are Seniors an have forgotten how to date.

    Got to get back to ready your book.
    Sandy Heart

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