Discover the 3-Step Formula for Creating the Committed Relationship You Deserve


Discover the 3-Step Formula for Creating the Committed Relationship You Deserve


If You’re Single and Feel Like Something
Fundamental Is Missing . . .

You’re Not Alone

When I asked my community, “What’s your biggest fear in life?” this comment received more than 1,500 likes:

My biggest fear is that I’ll stay single for the rest of my life.

I know that might sound superficial or some people might think there are worse things. I know they’ll say I need to ‘love myself’ first. And I do. I DO love myself, but I also have a lot of love to give. And I LOVE love.

I have a fulfilling life with a great job, wonderful friends, and every day I live life for me. I’m planning on traveling solo, so my life isn’t on pause waiting for ‘The One.’

But my biggest fear is that I will never find my person.

People can say what they want, but romantic love fills spaces in our hearts that other love just doesn’t.

My biggest fear is that I’ll stay single for the rest of my life.

I know that might sound superficial or some people might think there are worse things. I know they’ll say I need to ‘love myself’ first. And I do. I DO love myself, but I also have a lot of love to give. And I LOVE love.

I have a fulfilling life with a great job, wonderful friends, and every day I live life for me. I’m planning on traveling solo, so my life isn’t on pause waiting for ‘The One.’

But my biggest fear is that I will never find my person.

People can say what they want, but romantic love fills spaces in our hearts that other love just doesn’t.

Can you relate? Honestly, I think we all can.

Whether you’re in your 30s, 40s, or 50s—being single when you want to be in a healthy, committed relationship is HARD. And, at times, you may feel like you’re one dead-end date away from losing hope entirely.

Maybe . . .

. . . you wonder whether you’ll ever meet someone you really like, because you never seem to, and every time you do, it feels like it’s never reciprocated.

. . . you’re seeing someone who doesn’t seem to want to commit. You want to talk to them about it so it changes, but you’re scared you might lose them.

. . . you’re tired of dating apps and getting excited about potential matches, only for the conversation to fizzle or for them to disappear completely.

. . . you’re heartbroken and in deep emotional pain and you need some guidance on how to survive and heal from this stage in your life.

And it doesn’t help when you don’t feel you can talk through those feelings with your friends or family, because they aren’t in the same place as you in their lives.

Maybe you feel left behind and every conversation leaves you feeling desperate or ashamed for “trying too hard” or “wanting it too much,” as if love and the desire for romantic connection aren’t basic human needs.

This is WHY I created the Love Life Club . . .

. . . So you don’t have to feel alone.

Together in the Love Life Club, I’ll help you discover and break the negative patterns that are holding you back, give you my practical, step-by-step coaching so you know what to do at every stage of your relationship journey, and surround you with a tribe of like-minded people who are here to support you with warm, loving energy along the way.

In short, I’ll show you how to find, attract, and keep lasting love in the fastest and most authentic way possible.

The Love Life Club WILL Help You Find an

Incomparable Connection

If you’re in a place in your life where:

You’re Tired of Dates That Don’t Go Anywhere

You’re spending more time swiping, texting, and talking about dates than actually getting anywhere with someone. You want to find a deep connection with another person that turns into something real, and you’re tired of wasting time on the wrong people. You want to know how to find the right people faster, and create momentum with them to get out of the “casual dating” phase and into something REAL.

You’re Feeling Trapped in Negative Relationship Patterns

Is it Groundhog Day? You feel stuck in a loop, doomed to repeat the same self-sabotaging patterns: falling too hard and fast, mistaking red for green flags, and sacrificing your own wants and needs in order to keep someone’s mediocre investment. You’re not happy, and are ready to break the negative patterns that are holding you back from the loving relationship you deserve.

You’re Worrying About Time Running Out

Maybe your dream has always been to settle down and start a family . . . but you feel way behind schedule. You’re scared about wasting more time—you want to meet someone who’s serious. Who’s ready to build a life with you. You want to know the best way to find someone who is at the same stage of life as you, and not waste any more time chasing the wrong people.

You’re Starting to Think There Might Be Something Wrong With You

You have an exciting social life, a job, and hobbies you love, but you haven’t found someone to share them with. You’ve experienced more than your fair share of disappointments and rejections and wonder whether finding love will ever happen for you. You know you’re worthy of love, and you want the step-by-step guidance to know how to find and attract YOUR person while avoiding all the dead-ends and time-wasters.

You Lack Confidence on Dates and Want to Change That

When you’re on a date, you get in your head about everything you’re saying and doing. You question whether they find you attractive, whether you’re funny enough, interesting enough, whatever enough. As a result, you have no control over how you come across with people. You know you have so much to bring to the table, but you don’t know how to unlock that charismatic, flirty, fun version of yourself during a date. You’re ready to learn the practical, step-by-step ways to master attraction, flirting, and desire so you can feel your most confident self every time you step out for a date.

You’re in the Throes of Heartbreak

Heartbreak is one of the most painful experiences. You don’t know which way to turn and it feels like nothing will ever be okay again. You’re in deep pain. You feel broken—like a piece of you has been ripped out and you’ll never be made whole. You may even want to know how to get that person back, or simply how to STOP this pain so you can be in a place to start healing.

You Want More Commitment From Someone

You’ve met someone exciting whom you can see creating your future with, but you’re getting mixed signals from their intent to actually build this relationship with you. You no longer want to be in a casual situation and you’re ready to learn how to get the unwavering commitment and exclusivity from this person you deserve.

You Can’t Seem to Get Over an Ex

Things didn’t work out how you thought they would, and that hurts deeply. You’re ready to heal, grow, and give love a chance again, but you’re not sure where to start. Every time you dip your toe back into the dating scene, you find yourself comparing everybody to your ex. You’re ready to finally break free from the hold this person has on your emotional energy, and build a relationship with someone new who is right for you.

Join the Love Life Club today and get back in the Driver's Seat of Your Love Life!

Join the Love Life Club today and get back in the Driver's Seat of Your Love Life!

How Do I Know If I Can Trust You With My Love Life?

You’re here because love matters to you—and I want you to know you’re getting the best guidance and support to achieve that goal.

So, let’s start with the shiny objects 👉 I have the #1 dating and relationship advice YouTube channel, I’ve coached the celebrities, done the TV shows, and even written a New York Times bestselling book.

But none of that really matters, does it?

What really matters is, well, YOU.

I care about YOU and I’m here to help YOU get the committed, lasting relationship you deserve, as quickly as possible.

I’ve been doing this for more than 15 years with hundreds of thousands of people just like you.

I’ve seen what works and what doesn’t. I’ve seen people go from single to finding and keeping the relationship they’d always dreamed of. Going from feeling heartbroken to happy with someone new—most times, years or even decades sooner than it would have happened on their own.

I’ve taken the distilled wisdom of what gets people results in their love lives and turned it into a step-by-step process for your entire relationship journey. In the Love Life Club, I follow this process to a T in order to get you life-changing results.

This program caused me to take action in my love life. And it should come as no surprise that . . .

. . . I met someone!

He’d been interested in me for years, but I didn’t give him a chance since we work together. We are coming up on 6 months now, and he lights me up! The more sides of him I see, the more attractive I find him.


I feel more confident and optimistic—it’s only been a week, but I already feel like a new person.

A few days ago, all I could think about was how to get someone back. Now, I’m not worried about that. I just want to have good energy around me—listening to the webinars has really been helping.


Since joining the Love Life Club, I’m more confident and I enjoy dating because I don’t hang a whole life’s weight on it. I’m in a relationship for the first time in 20 years, but it doesn’t make or break me—I’ve got the confidence to stay or be single again, and approach both in a way that feels safe, loving, and trustworthy.


And Here's How it Works

The 3-Step Formula to Find, Build & Keep Love

All the dating advice and coaching in the world will not get you the results you want unless you’ve removed all the negative patterns that are currently holding you back.

Because negative relationship patterns aren’t random.

They’re often the result of years of conditional (often subconscious) programming and the stories we tell ourselves.

And they result in self-sabotage and/or disordered attachments, and lead us to chase the wrong situations and people who will hurt us time and time again.

The only way to STOP these negative cycles is to rewire them at the source.

In the Love Life Club, we’ll pinpoint and help you change these negative patterns by creating new, healthy pathways that will lead you to REAL and LASTING results in your love life.

This means changing your habits around dating people who treat you badly, spotting red flags more quickly, developing a belief and confidence that you are deserving of love, and learning HOW to communicate your needs in a healthy way.

Success in dating and relationships, like most things, is a SKILL.

Whether it’s flirting, creating attraction, effectively communicating your needs, exploring human dynamics, or navigating the hiccups along the way—there is a competency to how you approach this area of your life.

And like all skills, you can learn and MASTER how to become the most charismatic, attractive, high-value version of yourself.

I’ve become renowned for my ability to break down complex situations into practical, step-by-step courses for you to apply to your life . . .

And in the Love Life Club, there is an entire library of courses that has you covered for every stage of your journey.

Learn how to have successful dates, master flirting, create momentum and deep attraction, show and communicate your boundaries, navigate and heal from heartbreak, spot red flags, have difficult conversations, get commitment from someone, and build your confidence in a practical way so you can be successful in love . . .

And SO much more.

(You can take a sneak peek at a sample of our course library further down the page!)

The path to a healthy, committed relationship can feel lonely and isolating.

We often compare ourselves to our friends and family members who have found love . . .

. . . and fear that it won’t happen for us.

We feel ashamed, too, of looking for it—scared that others will see us as desperate.

That’s why surrounding yourself with a group of people on the same path as you matters.

That’s why joining the Love Life Club matters.

Here, you’ll find a judgment-free community to turn to for guidance and support.

Friends with the right mindsets who make you feel strong . . .

. . . who inspire you to put yourself out there and find YOUR person.

. . . and who always support you and pick you up with the healthy viewpoints that will lead you to the results you want in your love life.

You don’t have to do this alone. You have an entire global community of friends now.




Learn How to Stop Things From Fizzling Out

Get OFF Dating Apps and Into Real-Life Interactions

Get Commitment and Exclusivity From Someone

Be Effortlessly Charismatic and Charming on Dates

Heal From the Heartbreak That Has Been Haunting You

Spot Red Flags BEFORE You Get Emotionally Invested

Set and Communicate Standards in a High-Value Way That Makes You MORE Attractive

AVOID Time-Wasters and Build a Connection With the RIGHT Person Instead

Create Momentum With the Person You Like and Get REAL and LASTING Results

Ready to get the Loving, Lasting Commitment You Deserve?

Ready to get the Loving, Lasting Commitment You Deserve?


Here’s How We’ll Make It Happen

Live Events

This is where the coaching magic happens. In our LIVE Classes, Workshops, and Q&As, you’ll submit your questions and get answers and guidance for your unique circumstances from myself and expert guests in real time.

⚠️ Note: This is the ONLY place where I offer LIVE, ongoing coaching.

Below is a snippet of our upcoming events in the Love Life Club . . .

Live Events

This is where the coaching magic happens. In our LIVE Classes, Workshops, and Q&As, you’ll submit your questions and get answers and guidance for your unique circumstances from myself and expert guests in real time.

⚠️ Note: This is the ONLY place where I offer LIVE, ongoing coaching.

Below is a snippet of our upcoming events in the Love Life Club . . .

Courses & Training

Courses & Training

Learn and grow alongside others with our boundless library of courses, classes, and expert sessions. Whether you’re in the early stages of dating, healing from heartbreak, getting commitment, or somewhere in between, these resources will guide and support you.

The Love Life Club meets you where you are so you can make progress in the right direction for you.

Below is just a sample of some of our most popular courses . . .

"Ask Your Question" Tool

We get asked this ALL the time: “Can you build a Google search, but for Matthew’s answers?” So we’ve gone through hundreds of hours of past coaching sessions to bring you the Ask Your Question tool, with 300+ entries and growing.

You can search for a specific question and get your immediate, practical answer. Matthew’s brain is now at your beck and call!

Love Life Community

The community is the backbone of the Love Life Club. Complete with fully-integrated social feeds, direct messaging, monthly themes, team support, member events, People Near You features, and so much more.

You have an exclusive “Members Only” experience that is fundamentally built on healthy mindsets, growth, and loving support.

Love Life Community

The community is the backbone of the Love Life Club. Complete with full integrated social feeds, direct messaging, monthly themes, team support, member events, People Near You features, and so much more. You have a fully enclosed “Members Only” experience that is fundamentally built on healthy mindsets, growth, and loving support.


Join the Love Life Club

Join the Love Life Club Today

and You’ll Get:


The Man-to-Man
Conversation Series:

  • Peek Behind the Curtain to Understand Men’s Experience of Love and Dating With This Candid Conversation Series
  • (Value: $300)

The Exclusivity

  • 3 Different Ways to Have the Conversations That Lead to Exclusivity
  • (Value: $50)

The Confidence

  • 7 Practical Tools for Daily Confidence
  • (Value: $97)

For $447 FREE

Join 4,000+ Members on the Journey to Long-Lasting Love

Ready to make this the year you find love?


  • Cancel anytime

Annual Pass

  • Save 41%
  • Just $497/yr
  • Cancel anytime


When It Comes to Creating Real Change in Your Relationships . . .

. . . Repetition Is Key</mark

As a Love Life Club member, I will be sharing with you the practical, step-by-step strategies and tools necessary to start building a beautiful relationship . . .

But the patterns playing out in your relationships have been formed over years—maybe even your whole lifetime—and therefore the act of becoming competent and knowing what to do in each stage of a relationship takes some time and effort. It takes more than a single “aha!” moment or epiphany to change them.

By joining the Love Life Club, you’re committing to a proven process we’ll do together.

And while it’s not a “magic bullet overnight transformation,” with as little as 15 minutes a day, you’ll be amazed at how FAST you start to make progress.

In fact, my commitment to you is you will make more progress in the next 60 days than you’ve made in the last 6 months!

After listening to all your videos, taking countless notes (I have 3 full notebooks), and applying your advice every day one step at a time, I met the man of my dreams. Your mentoring made me so strong and vibrate on such a high frequency that I ended up attracting in this man all the qualities I had wished for. Thank you for what you are doing. You are a blessing.


I really appreciate Matthew’s non-nonsense but empathetic approach. I have learned that how I feel in a relationship is very important: I want to feel cherished, safe, connected, uplifted, and passionate. I will no longer get distracted by charisma, love bombing, or anything else. Thank you so much to Matthew, Stephen, and the team who deliver the wonderful content.


Having the realization that I am high value and would be a great catch has completely changed my outlook on life and my feelings toward the possibility of having a successful love life in the near future. I am now looking for intention over attention and for a guy I actually WANT instead of just hoping to find a guy who would want me. Thanks so much for all your content!


Here’s What Sets the Love Life Club Apart

Live Coaching and Personalized Support

The Love Life Club is the ONLY place where I offer LIVE, ongoing personalized coaching. You get to join me, plus my coaches and world-renowned experts, as we give you guidance on our live Masterclasses, workshops, and Q&As. It’s tailor-made for YOU, which will allow you to move forward, no matter how nuanced or unique your circumstances may be.

If you want to make me your personal coach as you go through your love life journey, this is the only place you can do it.

Live Coaching and Personalized Support

The Love Life Club is the ONLY place where I offer LIVE, ongoing personalized coaching. You get to join me, plus my coaches and world-renowned experts, as we give you guidance on our live Masterclasses, workshops, and Q&As. It’s tailor-made for YOU, which will allow you to move forward, no matter how nuanced or unique your circumstances may be.

If you want to make me your personal coach as you go through your love life journey, this is the only place you can do it.

Live Coaching and Personalized Support

The Love Life Club is the ONLY place where I offer LIVE, ongoing personalized coaching. You get to join me, plus my coaches and world-renowned experts, as we give you guidance on our live Masterclasses, workshops, and Q&As. It’s tailor-made for YOU, which will allow you to move forward, no matter how nuanced or unique your circumstances may be.

If you want to make me your personal coach as you go through your love life journey, this is the only place you can do it.

Practical, Step-By-Step Curriculum

Unlike free content, the Love Life Club’s in-depth curriculum goes FAR deeper than an inspirational quote, TikTok, or YouTube video. Each course is designed to be thorough, practical, and support you step-by-step through every stage of a relationship. From a first date to the most painful heartbreak, you won’t find this level of practical, specialized, and easy-to-apply knowledge for your love life anywhere else.

Not only is it the only place you can get unfettered access to all of my courses, but you also get access to special sessions with guest experts like Dr. Ramani, Esther Perel, Jay Shetty, Dr. Guy Winch, and SO many more . . .

Practical, Step-By-Step Curriculum

Unlike free content, the Love Life Club’s in-depth curriculum goes FAR deeper than an inspirational quote, TikTok, or YouTube video. Each course is designed to be thorough, practical, and support you step-by-step through every stage of a relationship. From a first date to the most painful heartbreak, you won’t find this level of practical, specialized, and easy-to-apply knowledge for your love life anywhere else.

Not only is it the only place you can get unfettered access to all of my courses, but you also get access to special sessions with guest experts like Dr. Ramani, Esther Perel, Jay Shetty, Dr. Guy Winch, and SO many more . . .

Practical, Step-By-Step Curriculum

Unlike free content, the Love Life Club’s in-depth curriculum goes FAR deeper than an inspirational quote, TikTok, or YouTube video. Each course is designed to be thorough, practical, and support you step-by-step through every stage of a relationship. From a first date to the most painful heartbreak, you won’t find this level of practical, specialized, and easy-to-apply knowledge for your love life anywhere else.

Not only is it the only place you can get unfettered access to all of my courses, but you also get access to special sessions with guest experts like Dr. Ramani, Esther Perel, Jay Shetty, Dr. Guy Winch, and SO many more . . .

A Loving, Judgment-Free Community

The Love Life Club is our corner of the internet—free from toxic algorithms, unrelenting ads, and constant comparisons to everyone else’s “highlight reels.” We’ve created a safe, open community founded on the belief that we’re ALL deserving of love and support. It’s where you’ll come for a listening ear, a helping hand, or a shoulder to cry on. It’s your new worldwide community of friends you can always turn to for guidance and connection.

A Loving, Judgment-Free Community

The Love Life Club is our corner of the internet—free from toxic algorithms, unrelenting ads, and constant comparisons to everyone else’s “highlight reels.” We’ve created a safe, open community founded on the belief that we’re ALL deserving of love and support. It’s where you’ll come for a listening ear, a helping hand, or a shoulder to cry on. It’s your new worldwide community of friends you can always turn to for guidance and connection.

A Loving, Judgment-Free Community

The Love Life Club is our corner of the internet—free from toxic algorithms, unrelenting ads, and constant comparisons to everyone else’s “highlight reels.” We’ve created a safe, open community founded on the belief that we’re ALL deserving of love and support. It’s where you’ll come for a listening ear, a helping hand, or a shoulder to cry on. It’s your new worldwide community of friends you can always turn to for guidance and connection.

Let me show you how to find, attract, and keep The Lasting Relationship You Deserve.

Let me show you how to find, attract, and keep The Lasting Relationship You Deserve.

Creating an extraordinary life. It’s why I’ve been following you for years and have done all of Matthew’s programs.


Whether you’re trying to get a relationship, you’re already in a relationship, or you’re just fascinated by humans and wanting to lead a better life, this is the program for you.


I have the tools to rebuild my life, and to discover who I am and what I want out of it. It was life-changing.


Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What if I’m in a really unique situation? Will this still work for me?

Absolutely! In fact, we’ve built it this way by design


Through monthly group coaching calls, Q&As, and my Ask Your Question tool, I guarantee you’ll find specific answers to your biggest questions. I’ve successfully completed this process with hundreds of thousands of others, so believe me when I say we’ve got an answer for any situation you can throw our way.

Q: How much time does this take? I worry I can’t be fully dedicated.

The Love Life Club is designed to meet you where you’re at—to be taken at your own pace. Most members see incredible results in as little as 15 minutes a day. 


And even if you only have 15 minutes a week, the constant repetition is the key that will get you the results you’re looking for. As long as you show up, you WILL make progress.

Q: Can’t I learn all of this for free?

Piecing together random dating and relationship advice videos on the internet (even if they are mine!) is time-consuming, impractical, and most of all, wildly incomplete. 


Social media is my sounding board—it’s how I share my message and articulate ideas. 


By becoming a Love Life Club member, you’re getting access to a full, proven curriculum of materials designed to get you the results you’re looking for, in the most efficient and quickest way possible.

Q: What do I get inside the Love Life Club?

  • LIVE group coaching with Matthew every month.
  • Ongoing access to LIVE exclusive events, Masterclasses, training, guest expert sessions, visualizations, and more!
  • Over 60+ hours of on-demand training immediately available and categorized.
  • Ask Your Question Tool—get immediate answers to your biggest questions.
  • A loving and supportive worldwide community.
  • Web-based browser access, and access to the official Love Life app for iOS and Android devices.
  • Continuous development and ongoing premium support. We’re dedicating a TON of internal resources to building out the Love Life Club to be as useful and effective as possible. 

    While we can’t spoil the surprises here, know that we’re always rolling out new features and content geared toward getting you the loving, committed relationship you deserve as quickly as possible.

Q: Why should I get an Annual Pass? Can’t I learn what I need to know in a month or two?

Yes, this is a commitment to a process—but it’s a proven process that can drastically change the trajectory of your life. 


Trying to pack everything you need to know and all the deep healing work you need to do within a month or two is a recipe for NOT making any lasting progress, and being stuck in the same frustrating pattern years from now . . . 


My commitment to you is that by spending as little as 15 minutes a day going through the materials, you will start to make drastic progress in your love life that will lead you to the relationship you’re looking for.

Q: Are my order and card information secure?

Yes! Your order and card information are 100% secure. I’ve carefully selected leading 256-bit encrypted technology to protect all your payment information. All you have to do is click the button below and you’ll be taken to the secure order form.

Q: What happens after I order?

Once you start your Love Life Club membership, you’ll be taken to a private setup portal where you can choose your log-in details and get access to the Love Life app! (Desktop, tablet, and mobile supported!) 


Once you’ve logged in, you’ll be greeted with a personalized step-by-step checklist that will walk you through how to get started as a new member of the Love Life Club


You’ll also be welcomed by our entire Love Life team, who will be there for you every step of the way once you’ve joined.

Q: Can I have a one-on-one session with Matthew?

The monthly sessions with Matthew in the Love Life Club are group coaching, but you can send in your specific questions ahead of time to have a chance to have them answered live, or even be coached live by Matthew on the session! 


Additionally, Matthew and our team often run impromptu live events, engage in the community, and do our collective best to ensure questions are answered. By joining the Love Life Club, know that you’ll be fully supported by a whole team of people who care about your experience, and most importantly, your results in your love life!

Q: How can I cancel my membership?

While we’d hate to see you go, we know it’s because we’ve helped you find, build, and keep the committed relationship of your dreams! 


You can cancel your membership at any time by emailing our VIP support team. We also have a personal portal for you to easily submit this once you’re a member. It’s hassle-free and processed very quickly!

Q: Does this work for other genders, too?

Absolutely. Almost everything we teach in the membership is universal. Humans are humans. We all want love, connection, and a partner, and I’ll show you the path to get there no matter where you’re coming from.

Between You and Me...

Being single is hard—and it’s made even harder by the pressure we feel from our friends, family, and society to couple up. To settle down.

This pressure can come in the form of comparison, or it can come as actual pressure from a well-meaning relative over family dinner.

Either way, not meeting those expectations often leads us to wonder: “Is there something wrong with me?”

When that couldn’t be further from the truth . . .

What you’re going through IS normal. In fact, roughly 40,040,733 singles (in the US alone) are trying to change their relationship status.

Humans are a social species, and it stands to reason that we crave companionship and feel afraid of ending up on our own.

But you can take small actions to change your love life, and if you’ll let me today, I’ll now be here to support you every step of the way.

I can’t wait to welcome you into the Love Life Club family,